Information on the Share Repurchase Program
Publication of the resolution of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on the repurchase of own shares under § 65 (1), no. 4 and 8 Companies’ Act (according to § 2 (1) Publication Regulation)
The 14th Ordinary Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of May 7, 2008 has recalled the authorization of the 13th Ordinary Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of April 25, 2007 to repurchase own shares and at the same time has resolved on the amendment of the Management Board’s authorization to acquire (repurchase) own shares under § 65 (1), no. 4 and 8 Companies’ Act as follows:
„The Shareholders' Meeting authorizes the Management Board to acquire no-par bearer shares in Mayr-Melnhof Karton Aktiengesellschaft, with the percentage of share to be acquired or already acquired in the share capital being limited to 10%. The authorization is valid for a period of 30 months from the date of this resolution, i.e. until November 7, 2010. The countervalue (share purchase price) of each no-par share shall not exceed the average market price during the last 10 trading days prior to the relevant purchase and must not be less than half of this price. Own shares may be acquired through the stock exchange or off-exchange.
The Management Board is further authorized to sell own shares acquired (a) at any time through the stock exchange or through public offer and to set the conditions of sales, and (b) for period of 5 years from the resolution upon approval of the Supervisory Board in any other legitimate manner, also off-exchange, with the Management Board being authorized to decide on the exclusion of the general purchase option.“
Continuation of the Share Repurchase until November 7, 2010 at the latest
Based on this resolution of the 14th Ordinary Annual Shareholders’ Meeting the Management Board of Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG has decided to continue the repurchase of own shares until November 7, 2010 at the latest (beforehand until October 25, 2008). The Supervisory Board of the Company has approved of this decision.
The purpose remains unchanged to purchase up to 2,200,000 ordinary shares, i.e. up to a maximum of 10% of the current capital stock, through the Vienna Stock Exchange or off-exchange for capital structure improvement measures. The repurchase price per share must not exceed the average market price during the last ten trading days prior to the relevant purchase, nor must be less than half of this price.
All transactions are published on the Internet at the Company’s Website .